For dinner tonight, I made scalloped scalloped redskin potatoes, green beans with almonds, and the chickpea cutlets from Veganomicon.

Chickpea cutlets! Everybody’s raving! Well, it was my first time making them. The lemons were moldy so I was kind of forced to omit the lemon zest, we didn’t have paprika (Hungarian or any other nationality)  so I used chipotle chili pepper, and then I added liquid smoke, nooch, and some salt and pepper and baked them. They were tasty, definitely. I don’t think I’d go for them as a large, flat cutlet as much, cause the gluten makes it kind of heavy in the stomache. But as  nuggets it was great.

Gross sidenote #1: the raw stuff of chickens nuggets looks nothing like chicken but very much like strawberry soft serve.

Gross sidenote #2: I cut the side of my hand somehow on the can of chickpeas. By somehow I mean, I used the can openers to slice open the lid but they refused to slice two segments approximately 45* apart from each other, so I tried to prise it all the way open with a fork, and my hand slipped and the raggedy can lid cut so deeply into the side of my hand that for a minute I was sure I’d need stitches, it was bleeding ridiculously bright and I clamped my other hand around it and held it over my head until I got a bandaid.

Extended stays in suburban areas make me feel like a teenager again, i.e. like I need to get out at any cost. It was cold all day today, dark and windy. I was shanghaied into driving pops to the doctor to get the staples from his surgery taken out. Turned out he needed an additional visit with another doctor immediately, who has an office on the other side of town. So we drive there in rush hour. Then back to the local pharmacy (seriously…I’ve been buying candy there since I was five) to fill his prescription. I grabbed him a meatball sandwich from the pizza place next door, drove him home, and made my sister, my mom, and myself salads. I was about to start making brownies when the first doctor called and said she was sorry but she’d forgotten to tape pops up when she took out the staples, could he come back please. So I drove him back. Then back to the house. Then decided I was too tired to make brownies.

Dinner & a bike ride.